Personal Names and Cultural Reconstructions
Personal Names and Cultural Reconstructions:
Introduction to the volume Lasse Hämäläinen, Jaakko Raunamaa, and Johanna Virkkula
Problems of chronological and social stratification in historical
anthroponomastics: The case of “lupine” and “equine” proper names among the Indo-European peoples
Aleksandar Loma
Calling people gods:
Theonyms as bynames in medieval Finland and Karelia Frog
North and South extremes: A comparative analysis of Vandal and Old Norse personal names
Caterina Saracco
Animal art and personal names in Iron Age Scandinavia: Different media – corresponding cultural codes?
Sofie Laurine Albris
Personal naming customs and the reconstruction of medieval mentalities: The example of Southern Germany
Rosa Kohlheim and Volker Kohlheim
Bilingual personal designations in medieval Finnish sources
Oliver Blomqvist
Trends of naming individuals of different origin in medieval Prussia
Darius Ivoška
Newly discovered Lithuanian compound names with first stem of Christian origin as witnesses of the intersection of pagan and Christian cultures
Daiva Sinkevičiūtė
The continuity of Viking Age names in Denmark –
18th-century evidence of long-lasting survivors Birgit Eggert
Sørbine, Sørenine and Sørensine: The feminising suffix -ine as a phenomenon in the Danish naming practice
Lars-Jakob Harding Kællerød
Caesar, Jack, and Cuffee: African-American fugitive slave names in the 17th to the 19th century
Anna-Maria Balbach
The so-called Coloured people of South Africa: Modern anthroponymic reconstruction?
Bertie Neethling
Are contemporary Bulgarian personal names still indicative of a
Bulgarian identity?
Anna Choleva-Dimitrova, Nadezhda Dancheva, Maya Vlahova-Angelova, and Gergana Petkova
Reconstructing a cultural heritage: The return of biblical personal names in Israel
Malka Muchnik
Slovak and ICOS onomastic terminologies
Iveta Valentová
I. M. Nick, Personal names, Hitler, and the Holocaust. A socio-onomastic study of genocide and Nazi Germany, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019, pp. xxvi + 469. US $140.00. (HB), ISBN 978-1-4985-2597-8.
Frank Nuessel
In memoriam Nicolae Felecan (1941–2020)
Alina Bugheşiu