Dynamik des anthroponymischen System
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Dynamics of the Anthroponymic System –
An introduction
Anna Choleva-Dimitrova
Dynamics of the modern Hungarian given name system
Mariann Slíz & Tamás Farkas
Tendencies in the development of contemporary official
anthroponymy in Czechia and Slovakia
Milan Harvalík & Iveta Valentová
Dynamics of first names in the Bulgarian anthroponymic system (according to official first names in the city of Sofia, in the years 2007 and 2014)
Anna Choleva-Dimitrova & Maya Vlahova-Angelova & Nadezhda Dancheva & Gergana Petkova
Changements anthroponymiques et migration :
la commune de Certeze, au nord-ouest de la Roumanie
Adelina Emilia Mihali
Personal nicknames from the Jadar region
Mirjana Petrović-Savić
Middle English names of workers in metal:
Etymology and functioning as common nouns and proper names
Oksana Dobrovolska
Parallel naming practices or names in contact?
The example of Syrian first names in Sweden
Linnea Gustafsson
Impact of bilingualism and the difficulties of having minority-specific names in another dominant society: Turkish context for minority Kurdish society
Süleyman Kasap
First names of Zagreb Jews from the beginning of the 19th century until World War Two
Igor Kusin
Geographical markers in church names:
A synergy of corpus linguistics and linguistic landscape methodologies
Osei Yaw Akoto
Naming holy wells:
A case study of names on sacred springs in Denmark
Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen
Not by any other name:
The onomastics of government schools in New South Wales, Australia
Colin Symes
Street naming practices:
A systematic review of urban toponymic scholarship
Mihai S. Rusu
H.E. Chehabi, Onomastic reforms, family names and state building in Iran, Boston, Massachusetts: Ilex Foundation, 2020, pp. vii + 109, ISBN: 978067428199
Wafa Abu Hatab
Stéphane Gendron, L’Empreinte du nom – Villes, villages, hameaux et autres lieux-dits, Chemillé-sur-Indrois : Éditions Hugues de Chivré, 2020, pp. 221, ISBN : 979-10-97407-38-4
Jean-Claude Bouvier
Katharina Leibring, Leila Mattfolk, Kristina Neumüller, Staffan Nyström, & Elin Pihl (eds.), The economy in names. Values, branding and globalization: Proceedings of Names in the Economy 6 International Conference, Uppsala, 3–5 June 2019, Uppsala: Institutet för språk och folkminnen, 2021, 155 pp., ISBN: 978-91-86959-73-9
Sergey Goryaev
Anikó Szilágyi-Kósa, Bewegte Eigennamen: Namenintegration and Namentranslation im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Ungarisch [Moving proper names: name intagration and name translation in German-Hungarian language pair], Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2021, 231 pp., ISBN 978-3-339-12498-2
Kitti Hauber
Allison Dollimore & Peter Jordan (eds.), Place names and migration. Proceedings of the Symposium in Vienna, 6–8 November 2019, 2021, 283 pp., Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, ISBN 978-3-339-11844-8
Helen Kerfoot
Peter Jordan, Přemysl Mácha, Marika Balode, Luděk Krtička, Uršula Obrusník, Pavel Pilch, & Alexis Sancho Reinoso, Place name politics in multilingual areas. A comparative study of Southern Carinthia (Austria) and the Těšín/Cieszyn area (Czechia) (Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, 2021, 615 pp. ISBN: 978-3-030-69487-6
Drago Kladnik
Anna Choleva-Dimitrova, Maya Vlahova-Angelova, Nadezhda Dancheva (eds.), Слѣдовати достоитъ. Proceedings of the International Onomastic Conference “Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches in the Beginning of 21st Century”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of prof. Yordan Zaimov, Dr. Sc. (1921–1987), 20–22 April 2021, Sofia, Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2021, 358 pp., ISBN: 978619245117-2 (online)
Gergana Petkova