Noms de lieux comme éléments du patrimoine culturel
Peter Jordan
Wherein lies the heritage value of place names?
Přemysl Mácha
Microtoponymy as a paradigm of cultural heritage – A case study of Catalan oronyms
Joan Tort i Donada
Place names as indicators of traditional forest management in seminatural landscapes. The case of Cameros (La Rioja, Spain)
César López-Leiva et Joan Tort i Donada
“This is water’s world/And the works of men are vanishing”: Hydronymy & anonymity honour water in Alice Oswald’s Dart & Memorial
Pamela J. Rader
Two groups of place names preserving Hungarian cultural heri-tage
Gábor Mikesy
Heritagisation as decolonisation. Giving back to the inhabitants of Comelico valley their minority language toponyms
Viviana Ferrario, Piergiorgio Cesco Frare et Andrea Turato
Researching, promoting and protecting Welsh toponyms – Challenges and possible solutions
Rhian Parry
Toponymic approach to the geographical research of cultural he-ritage: The cases of three Moldavian localities
Andrey Herzen et Olga Herzen
Austrian toponymic policy in the late 18th to early 20th century cartography of Galicia and Bukovina
Wojciech Włoskowicz
When Harvati became Mycenae (1916). Toponyms and nation building in early-20th century Greece
Pandeleimon Hionidis
Goodbye Zimbabwe: Place naming as a cultural arena for symbolic resistance and spatial (in)justice in secessionist politics
Zvinashe Mamvura
Exonyms as parts of the cultural heritage
Peter Jordan
The earliest journal on toponymy and its spin-off effects on place-name research
Eugen Schochenmaier
The ethnonymy and linguonymy of Belarusians and Ukrainians in the formation of their identity
Alena Rudenka
Proper names of research instruments:
An exploratory study
Márcia Sipavicius Seide
Personal names and power: Binary personal naming system of the Baatombu people in Nigeria and Republic of Benin
Azibaoguanasi Williams
Pierre-Yves Quémener, Le nom de baptême aux XVe et XVIe siècles, Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2023, 315 pp., ISBN 978-2-7535-8979-7
Pierre-Henri Billy
Oliviu Felecan & Alina Bugheşiu (eds.), Names and naming: Multicultural aspects, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 490 pp., ISBN 978-3-030-73185-4 (print), 978-3-030-73186-1 (eBook),
Luisa Caiazzo
Leonid Chernovatyi & Eugen Schochenmaier, Reference dictionary of Ukrainian names (English – Ukrainian, Ukrainian – English with pronunciation and etymology), Wilmington, Delaware: Mondonomo, 2023, 468 pp. ISBN: 978-95-35045-50-2, LCCN: 2023-932009
Leonid Chernovatyi et Eugen Schochenmaier
Anu Kapur, Mapping place names in India, Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2019, xi + 234 pp., ISBN 978-0-367-14918-5
Sheila Embleton
Jürgen Udolph, Namen − Zeugen der Geschichte (Hg. von Kirstin Casemir & Uwe Ohainski), Heidelberg: Winter (Indogermanische Bibliothek Dritte Reihe Untersuchungen), 2023, 470 S., ISBN 978-3-8253-6771-8
Peter Ernst
Valéria Tóth, Personal names in a medieval context (Translated by Balázs Venkovits), Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 2022, 237 pp., ISBN 978-3-96769-251-8
Tamás Farkas
Rosa Kohlheim & Volker Kohlheim, Vornamen: Von außergewöhnlich bis zeitlos [Prénoms : de l’inhabituel à l’atemporel], Berlin: Duden/Cornelsen Verlag, 2023, 320 pp., ISBN: 978-3-411-73995-0
Oliviu Felecan et Gabriela Ioaneș
Maoz Azaryahu, An everlasting name: Cultural remembrance and traditions of onymic commemoration, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021, 203 pp., ISBN 978-3-11-072299-4,
Ken Foote
Frédéric Giraut & Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch (eds.), The politics of place naming. Naming the world, London, Hoboken: ISTE Ltd. and Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2022, 277 pp., ISBN 978-1-78945-115-3
Peter Jordan
Sarah Beaudoin & Gabriel Martin, Femmes et toponymie – De l’occultation à la parité, Sherbrooke : Éditions du Fleurdelysé, 2019, 125 pp., ISBN : 978-2-9814025-3-0
André Lapierre
Patrick Hanks & Simon Lenarčič, with Peter McClure (eds.), Dictionary of American family names, 2nd ed., 5. vols., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, clxxx + 3633 pp., ISBN 978-0190245115 (print), eISBN 978-0190245122
Frank Nuessel
Francesco Perono Cacciafoco & Francesco Cavallaro, Place names: Approaches and perspectives in toponymy and toponomastics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 298 pp., ISBN 978-1-108-74824-7 (Paperback)
Staffan Nyström
Oliviu Felecan & Alina Bugheșiu (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Onomastics “Name and Naming”: Multiculturalism in Onomastics, Baia Mare, September 3–5, 2019, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Mega, 2022, 1074 pp., ISSN 2501-0727, DOI: 10.30816/ICONN
Mihai S. Rusu
Karlheinz Hengst & Dietlind Kremer & Dieter Kremer (eds.), Namenforschung und Namenberatung / Dietlind Kremer und Gabriele Rodríguez zum 60. Geburtstag (Onomastica Lipsiensia, Band 14), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2021, 659 pp., ISBN 978-3-96023-175-2
Eugen Schochenmaier
Nunzio La Fauci, Fare Nomi, Milano : Bompiani, 2023, 328 pp., ISBN 9788830103955
Lorella Sini
Peter Jordan, Breslau oder Wrocław? Das Begriffspaar Endonym / Exonym als Kernthema der Kritischen Toponomastik. Wie poli-tische Haltungen den Gebrauch geographischer Namen bestimmen, Stuttgart : Franz Steiner, 2022, 178 pp., ISBN 978-3-515-13210-7
Holger Wochele