Oliviu Felecan, Gabriela Ioaneș
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania; olifelecan@yahoo.com or ioanes.gabi@yahoo.com
To cite this article: Felecan, Oliviu & Ioaneș, Gabriela. 2023. Rosa Kohlheim & Volker Kohlheim, Vornamen: Von außergewöhnlich bis zeitlos [Prénoms : de l’inhabituel à l’atemporel], Berlin: Duden/Cornelsen Verlag, 2023, 320 pp., ISBN: 978-3-411-73995-0. Onoma 58, 367–371. DOI: 10.34158/ONOMA.58/2023/24
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.34158/ONOMA.58/2023/24
© Onoma and the authors.
Article history
Received on 27 August 2023.
Final form accepted on 27 December 2023.
Published online on 30 December 2023.