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Literary onomastic theory – An introduction
Martyna Katarzyna Gibka, Richard Coates
Linguistic aspects of literary name origination Richard Coates
Notes on functions of proper names in literature
Žaneta Dvořáková
Functions of characters’ proper names in novels
Martyna Katarzyna Gibka
Functions of characters’ proper names in television series: Theoretical outline
Martyna Katarzyna Gibka
Proper names in literature: A “reevaluation of all values”
Volker Kohlheim
Naming as art in Shakespeare’s Tempest
Grant W. Smith
Volker Kohlheim, Der Name in der Literatur. Unter Mitarbeit von
Rosa Kohlheim (Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte Bd. 393),
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019, 371 S.
Karlheinz Hengst
Oliviu Felecan (ed.), Onomastics between sacred and profane (Series in Language and Linguistics), Wilmington, Del.: Vernon Press, 2019, 412 + xxvi pp.
Volker Kohlheim
Martyna Gibka, Literary onomastics: A theory, Łódź: ArchaeGraph, 2019, 170 pp.
Grant W. Smith