H. Shiba, Antroponimia histórica hispana: desde la Edad Media a nuestros días [Hispanic historical anthroponymy: From the Middle Ages to the present day], Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2020, 371 pp., ISBN 978-84-17865-65-8

Ana Zabalza-Seguín

Universidad de Navarra, History Department. Ismael Sánchez Bella Building. 31080 Pamplona, Spain, azabalza@unav.es

To cite this article: Zabalza-Seguín, Ana. 2022. H. Shiba, Antroponimia histórica hispana: desde la Edad Media a nuestros días [Hispanic historical anthroponymy: From the Middle Ages to the present day], Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2020, 371 pp., ISBN 978-84-17865-65-8. Onoma 57, 351–355. DOI: 10.34158/ONOMA.57/2022/26

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.34158/ONOMA.57/2022/26

© Onoma and the author.

Article history
Received on 11 April 2022.
Final form accepted on 19 April 2022.
Published online on 31 January 2023.
